Are You Working Hard and Still Not Seeing Any Real Estate Business Growth?
Working smarter not harder is the key to growing a thriving real estate business. If you aren’t...
Working smarter not harder is the key to growing a thriving real estate business. If you aren’t...
You might wonder why you would bother to work with a real estate coach. It requires time and money....
No one is good at everything. Even if you were, there isn’t enough time in the day to constantly do...
There are a lot of people on social media these days. This means that it is the perfect place to...
What if we told you that cold calls aren’t essential to effectively follow-up with leads? What if...
Even new realtors know how important leads are to creating a long-lasting business. It is even more...
We found in our State of Leads survey that most new realtors are spending way too much time on lead...
Agent Legend recently conducted an extensive industry-wide State of Leads survey.
Have you ever dreaded picking up the phone to reconnect with an old real estate lead? According to...
When it comes to driving success for your real estate business, chances are lead generation is...
If you have been in the real estate business for awhile, it is likely you have a list of old leads...
The real estate industry has highs and lows. That’s the game. When the market is good, it’s easy to...