For new real estate professionals, leads are everything.

This year, Agent Legend conducted an industry wide survey to learn more about the State of Leads in Real Estate today. According to our results, lead-follow up is the number one problem for all real estate professionals. A lot of time and money, every day, week, and month are spent on leads. So it needs to count. When you work with Agent Legend, time and money spent on lead follow-up will never go to waste. Try it today.  

How New Real Estate Professionals Can Make Real Estate Lead Follow-Up Fast, Easy, and Beneficial

These are the things you need to make lead follow-up truly work for you. When these elements are in place, your business will grow exponentially and thrive for years to come.


There is a lot to do when you are running a business. You can’t spend all of your time and energy on following up with leads. You also can’t afford to miss any lead follow-up opportunities.

With Agent Legend you can automate your follow-up messaging to make sure you follow up with every single lead, while also spending less time on it.


New real estate professionals and experienced experts have to regularly follow-up with leads. Keep old lead lists, and re-engage with them periodically. Knowing when to follow-up with leads is helpful, and so is knowing how to follow-up and re-engage. The key is to keep following up with leads. Stay on their radar, and you’ll get them as a client when the time is right.


Your messaging has to be direct, clear, and professional. You also want follow-ups to be authentic and useful. When you speak to a lead’s direct interest or need, you are far more likely to get a response, which will lead to a conversation. The more conversations you have with leads, the more leads you are going to turn into actual clients and closed deals.

Agent Legend campaigns help you create professional messages that never look or sound automated.

Sphere of Influence

Maintaining a sphere of influence, keeps you out in front of current and potential leads at all times. A strong sphere of influence will also generate new leads for you again and again. It is central to creating a long-lasting business that sustains itself.

When you nail down these things in relation to your lead follow-up, it won’t be a problem for you anymore. The best part is, getting these things done won’t take years–you could do it today.

More Agent Legend Resources: 

4 Times You Should Always Follow-Up with Leads

4 Times You Should Always Follow-Up with Leads

Knowing when exactly to follow up with your leads can be tough. These are four times you don't have to wonder, just do it.

How to Write the Perfect Lead Follow-Up Text Message

How to Write a Perfect Lead Follow-Up Text Message

Texting is an easy way to re-engage an old lead. This is how to do it right.

5 Things New Realtors Should Spend Time on Besides Lead Follow-Up

5 Things New Realtors Should Spend Time on Besides Lead Follow-Up

Leads are essential, but there are other areas of your business where you should definitely be spending more time.

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